
Do It Anyway

Monday, November 11, 2013

    A couple of weeks ago my grandparents were visiting from North Carolina. They only make it up here once or twice a year, so we always get together for pizza at a local restaurant while they're here. My grandparents, mom, stepdad, my son and I were just finishing up dinner when my mom said she wanted a four generation photo. Like most people, we protested. I hate being in front of the camera, and I think my grandparents just like giving my mom a hard time. A few minutes later, as we were leaving the restaurant, my grandparents and I asked where we should stand for the photo. I could tell my mom was upset when she said, "Never mind, we'll do it another time." We all hugged and got in our vehicles. As I was headed to my grandparents' hotel, I called my mom to see if she wanted to stop real quick and do the photo. I felt horrible as she said, "It's ok. I'm the only one that cares about it." We really should have just taken the picture. I do care about having family photos, especially considering that my grandparents aren't around much. I just needed to pull my head out of my butt and get over the fact that I hate how I look in photos.
     Over the weekend, my mom and I went shopping for her birthday and we touched on this subject again. As I was listening to her talk about how lucky we are to still have my grandparents still around (and the fact that my 98 year old great grandma died last year), I realized how selfish we'd all been. I have a photo of my son with my great grandma from when he has roughly a year old....he's almost four. I also have a photo of my grandpa, mom, my son and me (four generations) from around the same time. It's sad to think that the last family photo like that was done about 3 years ago.
     You think it's annoying when your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, ect pull out the camera and want to take your picture? You hate that you still haven't lost that 40 lbs of baby weight you put on? Do it anyway. I have learned far too well this year that life is precious. We all take for granted the time that we have with our loved ones, but the truth is that we could be gone tomorrow. And if we did leave this world tomorrow, don't you want to leave those memories for your family?
      I am terribly guilty of this myself. There are TONS of photos of my son. TONS. But, how many with me or my husband in them? Not many. If I were to die tomorrow, I want my son to remember me. I want him to look back on photos of us hugging, kissing, playing, whatever, and remember feeling my love. Get in there. Take that photo with your awkward haircut or extra 40 lbs of baby weight. Do it anyway.

Photo copyright Megan Leigh Photography

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